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Study on Application of Automatic Track Gauge Changeover System in Europe



For the history reason there are many different track gauge in the world, they can be sorted to three categories for stand, border and narrow. How trains overcome from one track gauge to another safely and conveniently, for example from border gauge 1,520 mm to stand gauge 1,435 mm, is an important technical issue for railway engineers worldwide. Initially using the lifting jack to exchange bogie, than an idea of overcoming atomic by combined adjustable gauge wheelset and changeover facility came true, railway industry is striving to improve security and efficiency for changeover track gauge approach. In this paper, there is much focus on the application of the existing four systems in Europe include Germany, Spain and Poland. Due to the different design perception the four systems are not compatible with each other, especially the system in Germany is only applied for freight. Spain is playing a dominant role in this field for its major commercial operating in passenger traffic and has developed an evolution of the fourth generation in a row. Through the comparative assessment of the European systems, it is available to make some conclusion about the technical develop direction. Although the different systems operate separately, the basic principle remains the same. There are institutes and companies in the railway sector are encouraging to develop unique facility which is interoperable between different gauge tracks.

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