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Fiber Angle Analysis of Carbon Fiber Preforms by 3D Eddy Current Testing

Christian Bülow, Sven Torstrick, Jan Stüve


The DLR Center for Lightweight-Production-Technology (ZLP) is doing research on production technology for CFRP parts. The EVo research production line examines technologies for the CFRP high rate production. Part of EVo is an innovative technology used for the inline quality assurance of dry carbon fiber preforms: eddy current inspection. It enables to detect defects and fiber angle of up to 7 layers in depth. The analysis of the fiber angle is performed by 2D Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT). Because of the complex preform produced by EVo, the eddy current measurement needs to be carried out in 3D with robotic assistance. The techniques to analyze the 3D measurement data and technological limits are described.

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