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Kalix Bridge Digital Twin Structural Loads from Future Extreme Climate Events



Environmental loads, such as wind and river flow, play an essential role in the structural design and structural assessment of long-span bridges. Climate change and extreme climatic events are threats to the reliability and safety of the transport network. This has led to a growing demand for digital twin models to investigate the resilience of bridges under extreme climate conditions. Kalix bridge, constructed over the Kalix river in Sweden in 1956, is used as a testbed in this context. The bridge structure, made of posttensioned concrete, consists of five spans, with the longest one being 94 m. In this study, aerodynamic characteristics and extreme values of numerical wind simulation such as surface pressure are obtained by using Spalart-Allmaras Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation (DDES) as a hybrid RANS-LES turbulence approach which is both practical and computationally efficient for near-wall mesh density imposed by the LES method. Surface wind pressure is obtained for three extreme climate scenarios, including extreme windy weather, extremely cold weather, and design value for a 3000-year return period. The result indicates significant differences in surface wind pressure due to time layers coming from transient wind flow simulation. In order to assess the structural performance under the critical wind scenario, the highest value of surface pressure for each scenario is considered. Also, a hydrodynamic study is conducted on the bridge pillars, in which the river flow is simulated using the VOF method, and the water movement process around the pillars is examined transiently and at different times. The surface pressure applied by the river flow with the highest recorded volumetric flow is calculated on each of the pier surfaces. In simulating the river flow, information and weather conditions recorded in the past periods have been used. The results show that the surface pressure at the time when the river flow hit the pillars is much higher than in subsequent times. This amount of pressure can be used as a critical load in fluid-structure interaction (FSI) calculations. Finally, for both sections, the wind surface pressure, the velocity field with respect to auxiliary probe lines, the water circumferential motion contours around the pillars, and the pressure diagram on them are reported in different timesteps.


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