PZT Active Frequency Based Wind Blade Fatigue to Failure Testing Results for Various Blade Designs
This paper summarizes NASA PZT Health Monitoring System results previously reported for 9 meter blade Fatigue loading to failure conducted at The National Renewable Energy Lab Wind blade testing facility results using the on the CX-100, TX-100 and BSDS designs. A collaborative effort between Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and NASA KSC has been performed to evaluate the viability of a NASA Developed PZT Piezoelectric sensor/actuator for structural health monitoring (SHM) of Wind turbine blades. The innovation behind the NASA developed sensors in the combination of signal data processing with the development of a unique sensor/actuator consisting of piezoelectric materials in a thin and highly sensitive configuration. This paper summarizes previous NASA PZT system testing and includes results of the Fatigue testing of a 9 Meter Wind blade fatigue test referred to as the Sensor Blade which was based on the CX-100 design. This configuration had internal instrumentation/video and consisted of an internal manufacturing known defect. The defect provided an opportunity to demonstrate the PZT Health monitoring performance.