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SHM of Structural Materials by Means of Highly Nonlinear Solitary Waves



A novel nondestructive technique for the health monitoring of structural materials such as aluminum and cement is presented. In this technique the time of flight and the amplitudes of highly nonlinear solitary waves (HNSWs) are monitored. HNSWs are mechanical waves that can form and travel in nonlinear systems, such as one-dimensional chains of particles. A novel actuator/sensor electronically controlled is used to excite and detect HNSWs in a chain of spherical particles. This chain of particles is interfaced to the structural material being monitored to evaluate one of the following: strength, stiffness, bonding condition. It is hypothesized that the propagation characteristics of the waves in terms of time of flight and reflection amplitudes from the actuator/structural material interface are dependent on the properties of the structure. The experimental results relative to a cement paste and aluminum lap-joints are presented.

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