A Method to Detect Structural Damage Using High-Frequency Seismograms
instrumented civil structures. An automated damage detection method that analyzes recorded data has application to building types that are susceptible to a signature type of failure, where locations of potential structural damage are known a priori. In particular, this method has application to the detection of brittle fractures in welded beam-column connections in steel moment-resisting frames (MRFs). Such a method would be valuable if it could be used to detect types of damage that are otherwise difficult and costly to identify. The method makes use of a prerecorded catalog of Green’s function templates and a matched filter method to detect the occurrence and location of structural damage in an instrumented building. This technique is different from existing acoustic methods because it is designed to recognize and use seismic waves radiated by the original brittle failure event where the event is not known to have occurred with certainty and the resulting damage may not be visible. The method is outlined as follows. First, identify probable locations of failure in an undamaged building. In pre-Northridge steel MRFs, which are susceptible to brittle failure of welded beam-column connections, those connections would be the locations of probable failure for this type of building. Second, obtain a Green’s function template for each identified location of probable failure by applying a short-duration high-frequency pulse (e.g. using a force transducer hammer) at that location. One underlying assumption of this method is that the Green’s function template specific to a potential location of failure can be used to approximate the dynamic response of the structure to structural damage at that location. Lastly, after a seismic event, systematically screen the recorded high-frequency seismograms for the presence of waveform similarities to each of the catalogued Green’s function templates in order to