Structural Safety Monitoring During Construction of Shanghai Expo Puxi Entertainment Hall
Shanghai Expo Puxi Entertainment Hall (SEPEH) is retrofit from an existing workshop building. To meet new requirements of the hall, a structural column is removed and replaced with a box-section steel jacking beam. To evaluate the real-time structural state and ensure the structural safety of the hall’s space truss roof during construction, a structural safety monitoring system is necessary. A structural safty monitoring system has been designed and applied in SEPEH. Three types of sensors have been installed to monitor the behavior of the structure during reconstruction: vibrating wire sensors; Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors; ForesightTM series of fiber optic distributed strain and temperature sensors (DSTS) based on BOTDA. Vibrating wire sensors and FBG sensors are installed to monitor the stress of member of the space truss structure; DSTS is installed to monitor the stress of the jacking beam and Vibrating wire sensors are installed to monitor the torsion of the jacking beam. Results show that the structural safety monitoring system works stably. The safety monitoring system reflects the real-time behaviour of the structure and controls the structural reconstruction safety effectively.