Development of Simultaneous Measurement System for Strain and Acoustic Emission Using a Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor and a Fiber Ring Laser
A simultaneous measurement system for strain and acoustic emission signals (AE signals) was developed for one fiber Bragg grating sensor (FBG sensor) using a fiber ring laser. The system consists of an erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA), an optical circulator, optical couplers, photo detectors and an FBG sensor. A CFRP beam bending test was carried out to confirm the possibility of simultaneous measurement of both strain and AE signals from a single FBG sensor. In the test, signals from a conventional electric resistive strain gage and piezo-electric AE sensors were compared to those from the FBG sensor. Those were equivalent each other, and the simultaneous measurement of strain and AE signals using the newly developed system was verified.