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High Temperature Properties of Calcium Aluminate Cement Concrete
In this research work, material properties of calcium aluminate cement concrete (CACC) was investigated at elevated temperatures. For material properties, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, elastic modulus and stress-strain response were measured at 24, 200, 400, 600 and 800°C and compared to normal strength concrete (NSC). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was also used to study the microstructure of CACC and NSC at different temperatures up to 600°C. Test data for CACC revealed that the presence of alumina as a binding agent exhibited considerable enhancement in the mechanical performance compared to NSC. At elevated temperatures, reduction in the stress-strain response was observed in both CACC and NSC; however, axial strain is higher in case of CACC. Conversion of hydrates within the microstructure of CACC plays vital role in the reduction of strength with the increase in temperature up to 400°C. Visual investigations after high temperature exposure revealed that CACC exhibits low cracking with less color changes as compared to that of NSC.
Calcium aluminate cement concrete (CACC); Material properties; Compressive strength; Elevated temperatures; Stress-strain responseText