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An Estimation of Material Damping Properties for Polyarylate Woven Fabric Composites

Y. Suzuki, K. Matsumoto, Y. Nakanishi


It was identified that PFRP has had high damping properties in the vibration test. However it has not been clarified where the energy is dissipated. Polyarylate fiber plain woven fabric composites was analyzed by finite element method. Numerical results and strain energy distribution of PFRP was compared with one of GFRP. Damping ratio of PFRP is larger than one of GFRP. High dissipated strain energy of PFRP composites was in polyarylate fiber bundle part. It is recognized that much energy is dissipated in polyarylate fiber bundle part. This result agrees with consideration that longitudinal strain occurred in polyarylate fiber bundle in vibration test.


Material damping, Polyarylate fiber, Textile composites, Finite element analysisText

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