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Hybrid-fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Rivet

T. Takahashi, M. Ueda, N. Ui, A. Otani


A lightweight anti-corrosive rivet is proposed using a fiber reinforced thermoplastic (FRTP) for the joining of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP). The FRTP rivet was fabricated via the braiding technique, where Glass fiber/PA66 commingled yarns were wrapped around straightly aligned Carbon fiber/PA66 commingled yarns. Using a pultrusion method, the braided yarn was consolidated into a FRTP rod, which was then cut to an appropriate length for use as a FRTP rivet. Quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates were joined by this rivet through a thermal forming process. Single-lap joint specimens were subjected to tensile tests, and compared with a bolted joint. The results revealed that, for the same joint strength, FRTP-rivet replacement of the metallic joint yields a reduction in the weight of the joint.


Joint, Rivet, Polymer matrix composites, ThermoplasticText

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