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Development of a Novel Health Monitoring System for Adhesively Bonded Composite Joints Using Magneto-Electric Nanoparticles
Composites are quickly becoming the predominant material in aerospace, automotive, and other industries because of its improved strength to weight ratio. Mechanical fasteners are currently being used as the primary method for joining composites but they do introduce a number of negatives effects. One solution to this is to use adhesive bonding; however, there is no non-invasive structural health monitoring system that can fully assure the health of the bond. The creation of a multifunctional adhesive using magneto-electric nanoparticles may provide a structural health monitoring system as well as a strengthening of the adhesive bond. This project will assess the change in mechanical properties of doping the adhesive by using single lap shear specimens. The doped lap shear samples show an increase of about 24% in shear strength compared to the undoped lap shear samples. The magnetic signatures, importantly the magnetic moments, of the adhesive are taken using a vibrating sample magnetometer in order to determine the effects of environmental exposure on the magnetic moment of the nanoparticles. Changes in the magnetic moment signatures are used to determine if the bond has aged from environmental exposure. The samples are placed in an environmental chamber for a four-week time period at 70 °C and 95% relative humidity. The magnetic moment for the samples before exposure is approximately 3.7x10-5 emu and after is approximately 1.5x10-4 emu. An environmentally exposed sample is easily determined based on the magnitude of difference of the magnetic moments. Overall, the MENs doped adhesive shows promise to be a multifunctional adhesive that can act as a non-invasive structural health monitoring system as well as strengthen the bond.