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A Novel Back-Calculation Approach for Determining the Rheological Properties of RAP Binder

Chiara Riccardi, Augusto Cannone Falchetto, Pietro Leandri, Massimo Losa, Michael P. Wistuba


The determination of the rheological properties of the aged binder in reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) materials is a challenging problem. Conventionally, extraction and recovery are used to obtain the RAP binder for further experimental characterization; however, this procedure is not entirely reliable and accurate. Alternative and more precise approaches are based on asphalt mixture tests in combination with complex and sophisticated back-calculation methods which are costly and time consuming. In this paper a new and simple approach to estimate the rheological properties of RAP binder at intermediate temperature is proposed. This is based on Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) tests performed on mortars, composed of a selected fine fraction of RAP and virgin binder, together with a new back-calculation solution. The properties of the bituminous blend of virgin and RAP binders are obtained through the manipulation of the Nielsen model equation to take into account the effects of frequency and temperature on mortar stiffness. The Voigt model is then used to estimate the complex modulus and the phase angle of the RAP binder from the complex modulus and the phase angle of the back-calculated binder blend.


RAP binder, DSR, mortars, Nielsen model, Voigt model, back-calculation

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