A Novel Coda Wave Interferometry Calculation Approach Using Taylor Series Expansion



This paper presents a novel coda wave interferometry (CWI) calculation approach using Taylor series expansion, other than calculate the cross correlation coefficient between the reference and the perturbed signals, the perturbed signal is directly expanded at the desired calculation point and no cross correlation calculation or interpolation is needed. The computation time is significantly reduced compared to the cross correlation based methods. This method is firstly demonstrated on a numerical example. Comparison of the results between the stretch technique and the method proposed is presented, and the influences of different factors, such as time window positon and stretch scale, on the proposed CWI calculation approach are discussed. To verify the feasibility of the proposed method on practical applications, the CWI analysis is further performed on signals obtained from a concrete cylinder subjected to compressional loading. The results show that the proposed method works equally well in CWI analysis precision compared to the stretching technique but with much higher efficiency.

doi: 10.12783/SHM2015/310

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