The e-Bridge 2.0 Project - Integrated System for Performance Assessment of Bridge Structures, aims at the development of a system prototype for solving strategic queries regarding the performance of bridges in Costa Rica. The main components of the system prototype include: a technical information system for bridge inventory; sensors systems to measure performance variables such as vibration, deflection and deformation; a reliability model to analyze structural behavior; a geographical information system to consider environmental aspects; and an information integration system to seamlessly access distributed information generated by different components and systems. Among the novel features of this project we can mention its strong multidisciplinary approach to develop integrated solutions for SHM of bridges; the use of a scientific workflow management engine for flexible and configurable integration of multiple systems; and its close collaborations with national government institutions. This paper describes the general approach followed by e-Bridge 2.0 as a successful case study of SHM of bridges in Costa Rica.
doi: 10.12783/SHM2015/205