Comparative Damage Detection in the IASC-ASCE Benchmark Structure Using SHETM



The Multi-Function Dynamics Laboratory at the University of Mississippi has produced a software package SHETM (Structural Health EvaluationTM), which is nearing delivery status as an inspection tool. The program employs time history data to deliver visual representations of structural weak points. Output is provided for twelve damage detection methods as applied to any data set from any sensor type. Completed work includes a proof-of-concept 1:12 scale reinforced concrete bridge using both accelerometer and laser Doppler vibrometer data. In this study the IASCASCE benchmark structure is assessed. The as-built steel structure is considered a baseline, and then structural damage is induced by removing braces in this four-story steel building. Using the SHETM program, ambient accelerometer time histories are processed to obtain modal information for the baseline and damaged cases, and output plots visualize location and percentage of structural damage. Innovations include a methodology for three-dimensional data; a comprehensive program from data to damage visualization; and a comparative study of damage indicators.

doi: 10.12783/SHM2015/201

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