There have been many significant advancements in the development of sensor and sensor network technologies for structural health monitoring applications. As structural monitoring technologies mature and their instrumentation on civil infrastructures continues to grow, data management has become an important issue for long term monitoring. On one hand, the data management system needs to be scalable to handle increasing amount of data over time as well as increasing number of sensors instrumented. On the other hand, the system needs to be sufficiently flexible to support tools for data analysis for diagnostic and prognostic purpose. This paper describes a data management infrastructure for bridge monitoring using state-of-the art NoSQL database technologies. Specifically, the discussion focuses on the data flow issue and the interaction between the monitoring database system and data analysis modules. The sensing data collected from the Telegraph Road Bridge in Monroe, Michigan is employed to illustrate the functionalities implemented so far and supported by the system.
doi: 10.12783/SHM2015/196