Study of Vibration Based SHM Technologies, Part IV: Localization Using Physical-based Methods



In this paper the performance of various vibration-based damage localization methods have been investigated using a simulated as well as an experimental test case. In general, the validity of most damage localization methods is demonstrated on academic cases such as truss structures, and often with well-defined local stiffness alterations that has a significant impact on the modal properties. Due to the simplicity of the test cases the Finite Element (FE) model dependent methods seldom addresses the challenges related modelling damage in FE. The content of this paper is prompted by a genuine curiosity on the performance of these methods in the event of a more realistic test case, e.g. using a rather complex FE model and experimentally obtained data. In the paper the results from two test cases are presented; 1) A simulation case of a small structure to validate the utilized methods and 2) An experimental case of a wooden structure with inherent uncertainties such as FE modelling errors, measurement noise and ambient influences. The purpose of the latter case is to investigate the usability of the various methods under semi realistic conditions. A well-known as well as some novel localization methods is applied in the investigation. This paper is the final contribution to a series of 4 papers that present experimental SHM investigations with focus on value of detection and value of localization using statistical and physical methods for modal based SHM.

doi: 10.12783/SHM2015/171

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