A Suggestion of Health Monitoring for the Road Bridge Floor with Fiber Optic Sensor



In recent years, the number of old concrete bridges has remarkably increased in Japan. A periodic monitoring of them is necessary in order to confirm their security. This monitoring can lead to early warnings and prediction of potential problems and helps in the planning of the necessary maintenance interventions and enables the damage assessment after earthquakes. In many concrete bridges, the deformations are the most relevant parameter to be monitored in both short and long-terms. A degradation of the building materials has an influence on both the static and dynamic behaviours of the bridges and can be detected by deformation sensors. Conventional strain gages give only local information about the material behaviour. A complete understanding of the structure’s behaviour requires the measurement of deformation based on long-gage sensors. Therefore, a long-gage-length fiber optic sensor system, SOFO is suitable for health monitoring of the large-scale structures such as bridges.In this paper, we describe about the element test results.

doi: 10.12783/SHM2015/32

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