40 KM Reach Distributed FBG Sensing System for Oil and Gas Pipeline, Railway and Subway, and Geological Features



When the new oil pipelines are constructed, the operating conditions and security of the pipeline structures can be easily monitored by the distributed FBG sensing system. Depending on the pipeline characteristics, a range of measurements such as pipe strain, temperature, and FFT analysis of the detected pipe vibrations can forecast the corrosion and thickness variations and leakage due structural damage. Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensing technology is matured and ideally suited for sensing and monitoring the heath of oil and natural gas pipelines. Optilab is proposing a distributed sensing system for a 40km pipeline. The distributed sensing system will have a total of four 18 channel Optilab rack-mountable FSIs to cover 40km; each FSI (FBG Sensor Interrogator) will have the capability to cover 10.8km distance. The FSI covering the last 10km will have higher power SWL (Swept Wavelength Laser) to achieve required signal to noise ratio. To conclude, this paper describes distributed FBG sensing system suitable for sensing and monitoring the structural integrity of oil/gas pipeline.

doi: 10.12783/SHM2015/30

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