Epoxy Matrix Magnetic Composites with Enhanced Thermal Conductivity
In this research, epoxy matrix composites filled with hard magnetic material namely strontium ferrite have been investigated. Samples with different content of filler were prepared both with and without presence of the external magnetic field during manufacturing step in order acquire isotropic and anisotropic distribution of the filler respectively. Appropriate orientation of magnetic field was used to obtain samples with parallel or perpendicular alignment of the filler to the field. Thermal conductivity was studied as the function of temperature for selected set of samples. As it was expected, the orientation of filler along the direction of applied magnetic field results in enhancement of thermal conductivity, as the conductive paths of filler are more likely to create. XRD structural characterisation and microscopic observations of filler and composites have been presented. The model predictions were analysed and validated with experimental results. Analysis of thermal conductivity for the composites and its constituents as well as its temperature dependence seems to be a promising method for determination of its mechanism, including the role of interfaces in particular.